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Pertanyaan dan Jawaban dari Youtube School - You successfully completed Copyright School.

Please take a moment to watch the video on copyright and answer the following 4 questions Copyright School.
  1. In order to determine whether specific copyrighted content is authorized to be used on YouTube, you should upload it to your account and wait for the Content ID system to block any unauthorized content.
    It is your responsibility to know whether you have the right to upload content to YouTube before uploading it.
  2. Copyright protection is only given to major film, television or recording corporations who pay for the privilege.
    Anyone can produce an original creative work, which will be automatically protected by copyright once it is in some fixed (written down, recorded) form.
  3. Copyright infringement occurs when a copyrighted work is ________ without the permission of the copyright owner:
    Publicly displayed
    All of the above
    Copyright protects each of these individual rights.
  4. If content is available on the Internet, it is in the public domain and therefore okay to upload to YouTube.
    Just because something is available on the Internet does not mean that it is in the public domain.

  5. Please take a moment to watch the video on copyright and answer the following 4 questions.
    1. If you misuse YouTube's counter-notification process:
      Your YouTube account will be terminated
      You could end up in court
      All of the above
      Misuse of the counter-notification process can have very serious consequences.
    2. Deleting a video that was removed for copyright will get rid of the associated copyright strike.
      Deleting an infringing video will make no difference on the strikes and other penalties on your account.
    3. If content is available on the Internet, it is in the public domain and therefore okay to upload to YouTube.
      Just because something is available on the Internet does not mean that it is in the public domain.
    4. If a video gets removed because of a copyright infringement notification, filing a counter-notification is the only possible way to restore the video.
      You may reach out to content owners and come to an agreement that they will retract their claim of copyright infringement. Should a claimant contact YouTube directly with a retraction, YouTube will be able to reinstate video content almost immediately.


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